Masud Panahi, the director of the legendary animated film “Tik-Tik Khanum”, appealed to viewers: “We need your help! Support our new animated film for children called “Nargiz”.
“The main educational goal of the film “Nargiz” is to draw attention to the threat posed by landmines in liberated territories, and to educate children about the dangers associated with them,” said the author.
The crowdfunding campaign is being held on the platform, and special prizes are provided for supporters.
The film’s producer, Rashid Aghamaliyev, noted: “We appeal to the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Science and Education, Mine Action Agency, and other relevant institutions – support this vital project!”
It should be noted that in the last 2 years since the end of the Karabakh war, more than 250 Azerbaijani citizens have been killed or seriously injured as a result of mine explosions. According to international experts, it will take about 30 years and billions of dollars to fully demine the liberated territories. In this regard, the film “Nargiz” is very important for children.
The goal of the film “Nargiz” is also to draw the attention of the international community to the work of demining our territories and to provide information support to the state institutions of Azerbaijan.